Module 7

Weeks 13 – 14

Students must understand and believe that no matter how tough and strong a bully appears on the outside, the bully is always hiding his/her weakness on the inside!

Thoroughly explain the meaning of the above paragraph to students as needed.

When students clearly understand the various weaknesses all bullies have:

  • They will enhance their chances of Eliminating and Preventing being bullied.

  • They will begin to change their MINDSET from Victimization to Self-Empowerment.

  • Their Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem will begin to improve measurably and sustainably.


  • Students MUST retain meanings of Words and Phrases in Poems for clarity and understanding.

  • This training is to empower students to Effectively Eliminate and Help Prevent a bullying problem with or without outside intervention. This is called Self-Empowerment!

  • Students should learn and recite poems frequently, so specific words, phrases, and stanzas are ingrained in their minds to build Self-Confidence and to confidently put them to use whenever necessary.

It is very important that you emphasize (READ AND DISCUSS) the following. (Have students read along from their workbooks on page 47.)

  • Students MUST be instructed to NEVER PLAY WITH or TAKE LIGHTLY any of the techniques learned.

  • Students must never DEMONSTRATE their skills to anyone other than their teacher & parents. 

  • However, PRACTICING CAN and SHOULD take place with other students who are or have taken BBGP training: (Not with friends who have not taken BBGP training).

  • Students should practice what they have learned at least twice weekly to learn and retain the skills taught in BBGP.

  • When the training is PLAYED WITH (not taken seriously) and SHOWN to friends for show, the techniques WILL NOT WORK in an actual bullying situation.  By doing so, students will have given up the extremely important ELEMENT OF SURPRISE & CONFUSION.

  • The Element Of Surprise & Doing The Unexpected Are Vital Components In Defeating The Bully!

  • Bullies DO NOT do well when faced with the Element of Surprise and the Unexpected. This can effectively throw them off their inappropriate game plan!


The intent of the following poems is to, hopefully,
create a SERIOUS MINDSET CHANGE in bullies as quickly as possible.

Students are to write their interpretation of the above illustration’s theme/main idea as it applies to bullying in their Student Workbooks.


If you’re a bully, you have allowed your mental weakness to control you. instead of your potential and innate mental strength.

You have a great mind like any other kid, but the second you decided to bully another kid, you instantly became mentally weak and dense.

What makes you mentally weak is that you’re totally unaware that you are.

If you were mentally strong, you would know that bullying another kid is wrong.  Unfortunately, you haven’t come to that correct conclusion so far.

So, you continue to bully kids, your mental weakness has the upper hand because you allow it to.

Are you so shallow and mentally weak that you’re not fully aware you have complete control over what you say and do?

Mental weakness can be reversed, almost in the time, it takes to blink an eye.

At this very moment, if you mentally say to yourself, you’ll never bully another kid again, and you really mean it, your mental weakness permanently just went bye, bye.

Al Johnson

Remind students: Select your favorite words or phrases in the poem. Copy them onto your “My Favorites” at the end of your workbook! Practice repeating them over and over again, so you are ready to confidently respond to a bully.


Poems in BBGP training are to help transform students from being Victims to developing and sustaining a mindset of Self-Empowerment.  They are also designed to send powerful messages to bullies:  cease your inappropriate bullying behavior by serious Self-Introspection.


  1. Teach important WORDS, PHRASES & STANZAS from the body of the poem reinforcing the Theme/Main Idea.  These are highlighted in Bold Print within the “Mental Weakness” poem.

  1. Instruct students to write the definition of each word or phrase listed in their workbook (page 49).