Module 18 (Continued)


Weeks 35 – 36

Students write their interpretation of theme/main idea of the illustration and what may be the hidden message(s) as they apply to bullying?


The difference in the way I look, walk, talk, or what I prefer in life is not my weakness.  Because of your misguided and intolerant beliefs, you need to know, my difference is my strength.

I’m not ashamed of who I am.  No matter how many nasty things you say about me, my head will be held very high.  My difference is my strength.

Unfortunately, you have to live with your ignorance and hate.  Unless you change, you’ll carry that heavy burden for the rest of your miserable life.

That heavy load will eventually wear you down. You’ll be stuck in quicksand, slowly mentally and physically sinking, as time rapidly passes you by.

You’ll never be the good and kindhearted person you could have been.  You’ll never experience the beauty and brilliance of humankind.

My difference is my strength.  I’m happy with and proud of who I am.  My strength lies in my heart and mind.

Your needless criticism of me and others too, for no viable reason, shows how shallow a person you really are.

My difference is my strength.  Do you even have the slightest clue that your nasty tone unnecessarily, goes way too far?

My difference is my strength.  Your weakness lies in the disrespectful things you say and do.

My difference is my strength.  However, you’re not a lost cause.  I truly believe there’s still a sliver of hope for positive change, longing to come out, somewhere deep inside you!

If somehow, you haven’t clearly understood this powerful and heartfelt message to you, I’ve sent.

Emphatically, I say to you again, my difference is my strength! 


 Al Johnson

Remind students: Select your favorite words or phrases in the poem. Copy them onto your “My Favorites” at the end of your workbook! Practice repeating them over and over again, so you are ready to confidently respond to a bully.

“MY DIFFERENCE IS MY STRENGTH” VOCABULARY – Discuss the meanings of the following words/phrases, and how they are used in the stanzas of the poem:

  • Prefer
  • Misguided
  • Intolerant beliefs
  • Ashamed
  • Unfortunately
  • Ignorance
  • Heavy burden
  • Miserable life
  • Kindhearted
  • Brilliance
  • Needless criticism
  • Viable
  • Shallow
  • Slightest clue
  • Nasty tone
  • Unnecessarily
  • Sliver of hope
  • Longing
  • Emphatically


After the students have a clear understanding of the vocabulary above, divide them into five groups.  Designate which student will be “first” and “second” to start the game. The first person (#1) calls out one of the vocabulary words (or phrases). 

The 2nd person (#2) has to define it and use it in a sentence. If that person (#2) is not successful, anyone else in the group can give it a try until you (the teacher) is satisfied with the answer. #2 will then select who will be next (#3) and will call out a different vocabulary word or phrase. This continues until all of the vocabulary words/phrases have been used.

Congratulations to you and your students on completing modules 1 – 18 of the Bullies Be Gone Project!  Students should hold on to their student workbooks to study for the upcoming exam. 

They can also refer to, practice and remember the skills that were taught in the modules.

After completing the final exam (Post Test), they are to receive their certificate of achievement.

You will find the exam and certificate in the pages following at the end of this manual.

We hope this training has been meaningful and insightful to you and your families as well as the students.  We know that bullying does not only happen among children, but adults as well.

We wish you the very best and welcome your feedback and testimonials. We can be reached at:

Al and Lesly Johnson