Module 17
Changing the Bully’s Mindset Training
Weeks 33 and 34
Continue to Reinforce:
- Students MUST retain meanings of Words and Phrases in the Poems for clarity and understanding.
- BBGP training is to empower students to Effectively Eliminate and Prevent a Bullying problem with or without outside intervention = Self-Empowerment!
- Students should learn and recite the poems frequently, so specific words, phrases, and stanzas are ingrained in their minds. (Building a Self-Confident MINDSET)
Students write their interpretation of the main idea/theme of the illustration and any hidden message(s) as it applies to bullying.?
Bullies don’t usually consider the negative impact their bullying can cause.
The bully that creates a negative impact on a kid doesn’t care about the consequences, because the Bully’s attitude and persona have numerous flaws.
A bully’s negative impact could mean a kid being bullied could have trouble sleeping at night.
A bully’s negative impact could mean a once happy kid could grow sad, go into a shell, and just not mentally feel right.
A bully’s negative impact could mean a kid being bullied is afraid to go to school. Good grades once made, turn to bad.
A bully’s negative impact could cause a kid being bullied to lose his/her healthy self-esteem and self-confidence they once had.
A bully’s negative impact could cause a kid being bullied to be lonely and confused in an unhealthy way.
For any bully who may be hearing or reading this, can you somehow understand the negative impact your bullying has on kids you bully, on any given day?
In case you do not understand the seriousness of your bullying, let me give you one final heartbreaking fact.
Every sad thing that can happen to a kid being bullied, grows like a cancer cell, destroying a kid’s will to carry on, all because of your bullying-negative impact.
Al Johnson
Remind students: Select your favorite words or phrases in the poem. Copy them onto your “My Favorites” at the end of your workbook! Practice repeating them over and over again, so you are ready to confidently respond to a bully.
“A BULLY’S NEGATIVE IMPACT” VOCABULARY – Discuss the meanings of the following words/phrases, and how they are used in the stanzas of the poem:
- Negative Impact
- Persona
- Flaws
- Transform
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Confidence
- Devastating
- Emotionally Deflate
- Seriousness
- Heartbreaking fact
- Will to carry on
What is the theme/main idea of the illustration and what may be the hidden message(s) as it applies to bullying? Students respond in their workbook
Because of the kind of person, I am now, you might find it hard to believe I once bullied, too.
I used to hassle kids, call them names, push and shove them. Yes, I once did the stupid stuff bullies do.
Back then, I thought being a bully was really cool.
Yep, I once was a bully, too.
I never thought much about the effects of what I was doing to other kids. I only thought about myself.
Then, one day I saw another kid being bullied by someone else.
I saw the bully laugh about him bullying, and the kid being bullied cried.
The kid being bullied looked so sad. I had tears welling up in my eyes.
At that moment, it was clear to me bullying was very wrong. No one has the right to make any kid feel bad that way.
I stood up for that kid being bullied. And I never bullied anyone again, after what I saw that day.
So, if you’re a bully, I’m asking you to immediately stop! You can find so many more positive things in your life to do.
Take it from me, you can really stop your bullying of other kids immediately and permanently. I should know because I once bullied, too.
Al Johnson
Remind students: Select your favorite words or phrases in the poem. Copy them onto your “My Favorites” at the end of your workbook! Practice repeating them over and over again, so you are ready to confidently respond to a bully.
“I ONCE BULLIED TOO” VOCABULARY – Discuss the meanings of the following words/phrases, and how they are used in the stanzas of the poem:
- Hassle
- Stupid stuff
- Cystal Clear
- Immediately and permanently stop
- Positive things in life to do
- Permanently
- Undiscovered