Module 10

Anti-Cyberspace Bullying Training – Part 1

Weeks 19 and 20

Social Media is the catalyst for cyberspace bullying, which is unfortunately on the rise. The nasty content online that is directed toward students has proven to have devastatingly negative consequences, at times leading to suicide. Parents, teachers, and school officials must be aware of Social Media interactions among students and monitor them appropriately.

To begin the process of Eliminating, Nullifying, and Preventing cyberspace bullying, two (2) interventions must occur:

First: Parents must monitor their students’ internet activity, despite any resistance by the child or teen. Any suspicious activity must be addressed immediately, even if the activity turns out to be harmless and innocent. “It is better to be safe than sorry!”

Second: Students must be taught effective Self-Empowering and Sustainable methods in the classroom and at home to eliminate and prevent cyberspace and other forms of bullying.

This in-depth training entails changing the MINDSET of the victim of the bully and or the MINDSET of the bully.  If the mindset is effectively changed, it is likely the behavior will change to produce a more positive outcome.

No matter how well-intended, unfortunately, we cannot prevent students from receiving negative and nasty WORDS, online or in person.

We can, however, train them in ways to effectively respond to the bully’s negative and nasty WORDS, with the intended outcome being favorable for the receiver, not the bully.

This can be achieved by victims of cyberspace bullying responding to the bully with Powerful Self-Empowerment WORDS, PHRASES, and STANZAS learned from BBGP poetry.

Now discuss any events that occurred with students since their last BBGP training class involving a bullying situation or potential one, especially online.

The following anti-cyberspace bullying poetry is designed for students to learn effective WORDS to offset, deflect, and nullify the effects of online Bullying.

The objective is to:


  • Students will begin to understand effective ways to develop skills and POWERFUL WORDS to defeat the bully’s online inappropriate intent.

  • By learning and retaining these important WORDS & PHRASES, students may also find themselves in a position to help a friend who may be having an ONLINE BULLYING PROBLEM.

  • Students are to learn to do this with EMPOWERING CONFIDENCE & CONVICTION.

The following mirrors (somewhat) pages 68-69 of the Student Workbook.  Read through the information with the students.

The following six (6) anti-cyberspace bullying poetic and powerful lessons are for students to learn meaningful and impacting information to assist them in eliminating and preventing cyberspace bullying.

  1. Hateful Words
  2. Rumors OnLine

  3. You Hide in Front of a Computer
  4. Social Skills Too

  5. Social Network Caution

  6. The Stranger on The Internet


  • WORDS CAN: Harm, Hurt, & Unfortunately and Sadly, Even Kill
  • WORDS CAN ALSO: Empower, Build Self-Confidence, Inspire, Motivate & Heal 
  • WORDS in the Bullies Be Gone Project effectively and with sustainability, do the latter.

This lesson will help you understand the following when you are confronted with an online bullying situation:

  • Specific WORDS to say

  • How to say them (Effectively with Conviction)

  • When and when not to say them

  • What actions to take after saying them

  • When and how to take actions

Students are to write their interpretation of the above illustration’s hidden messages as they apply to bullying.

As a class, you and students read and discuss the 2nd half of page 69 in their Student Workbooks. It reads as follows:

This lesson will help you understand the following when you are confronted with a bullying situation.

  • Specific WORDS to say

  • How to say them (Effectively with Conviction)

  • When and where not to say them

  • What actions to take after saying them

  • When and how to take action

Discuss with your students the following points:

By having confidence in and knowing how to effectively apply the points above, you will be better positioned to:

  • Hold off rumors effectively and successfully online.

  • Stop the negative effect such rumors can have on your self-confidence, self-esteem, and emotional well-being.

  • You will begin strengthening and solidifying your self-confidence and mental toughness. 

  • You will discover the importance of who you really are as a person. 

  • First and foremost on your MIND should be showing consistent and persistent self-confidence, no matter what anyone says to you or about you.


By having confidence in and knowing how to effectively apply the points above, you will be better positioned to:

  • Fend off rumors effectively and successfully online and the negative effect such rumors can have on your self-confidence, self-esteem, and emotional well-being, which could linger far into adulthood.
  • You will now begin strengthening and solidifying your self-confidence and mental toughness. 
  • You will discover the importance of who you really are as a person. 
  • Show consistent and persistent self-pride, no matter what anyone says negatively to you directly, or indirectly about you. That should be first and foremost in your MIND.