The SCS (the 2022 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey) defines bullying as actions taken during school by one or more students that make another student feel bad or that are hurtful to another student.
According to this definition, bullying can occur in person or using technologies such as the telephone, the Internet, or social media.
Students who are bullied may experience one or more of the following behaviors:
- Being made fun of, called names, or insulted.
- Being made the subject of rumors or efforts to cause others to dislike them.
- Having their private information, photos, or videos shared hurtfully.
- Being threatened with harm; being pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on.
- Being pressured into doing things they do not want to do.
- Being excluded from activities, social media, or other communications.
- Having their property destroyed on purpose.
For more general information visit: bulliesbegoneproject.org
Thank for your visit,
Al & Lesly Johnson