A. Following is our recommendation for the academic year:
The first week represents the week of curriculum implementation, not the beginning of the school year (unless you are beginning at the start of the school year.) All classrooms are to follow the same weekly schedule.
Should your school begin teaching BBGP any time after the beginning of the school year, without completing Module 18 by the end of the school year, classes can simply resume in the fall, starting with the appropriate module. Should that be use the following guidelines:
a. Be certain that all classes are at the same Module
b. Allow the first two weeks for:
a. Providing time for all classes to be at the required module
b. Provide for time for teacher led review all previous modules so that:
i. Previous students have an opportunity to sufficiently review the previous material
ii. Students new to the school get an opportunity to catch up and be on the “same page”. In such a case, new students should be given “abbreviated” activities from each module.
If schedules permit, one module per week can be taught. Thirty (30) minutes each day would be required, while allowing for activity completions plus reviews of the previous modules. If that is not feasible, use the plan above “(Section A above)” and continue BBGP into the next academic year.
*ABBREVIATED activities for new students who were not enrolled in the school when BBGP was partially taught the previous year.
- Before proceeding with the remainder of the BBGP curriculum at the beginning of the school year, provide an in-depth review of the modules that were taught the previous year. That review is for the entire class.
- Following each applicable module review, the students who were not enrolled the previous year are to be given the following assignments.
These are to be assigned to new students after the Teacher-led class review of the module. The “new” students do the corresponding activities listed below but only for the module(s) for which they have not been present.
It would be best if the new student(s) is paired with a student who has already had the training. That will be great for them both!!! The partner is not to give the answers but help assist the new student. (Explain to the partner that their role is to be the “teacher” and help the new student understand what the partner has already learned.)
Teachers, follow up by:
- Checking the new students’ specified assignments for accuracy and completion
- Check module quizzes and provide understanding where answers were incorrectly submitted.
- Complete the corresponding Evaluation page for each module
1 | Pages top of page 4, 5, 6-7, 8 (Quiz) Add words from the poems to “My Favorites” list! |
2 | Page 11 (take turns reading every other stanza with partner) 13 (student reads every other interpretation w/partner reading the others, and discuss all with partner) Add words from the poems to “My Favorites” list! 14 (Quiz) |
3 | Go to page 22 (Quiz) and answer all of the questions by referring to Module 3 for the answers Add words from the poem on pages 17-18 to “My Favorites” list! |
4 | Read with partner the poem on page 25 with GREAT expression (each reading every other stanza). Review with partner the meanings of the vocabulary words then do #2 on page 26 Take turns reading with partner the poem on page 28 (each reading every other stanza) Page 29-#2 (do this independently) Read with partner the poem on page 30 Add words from the poems to “My Favorites” list! (all 3 poems) Complete #2 on page 31 Quiz on page 32 |
5 | Read with partner the poem on page 35 Add words from the poem to “My Favorites” list! Complete activity on page 36 Complete activity on page 37 Quiz on page 38 |
6 | Completes page 40 and 41 (This is a review) Activity on page 42 Read poem on page 43 with your partner Add words from the poem to “My Favorites” list! Have your partner teach you (or teacher if necessary) and practice with you how to meditate. Quiz on page 45 |
7 | Read the poem on page on page 48 with your partner Add words from the poem to “My Favorites” list! Complete page 49 activity Complete question at the bottom of page 50 Pretend that you are reading this poem to a bully, as you and your partner take turns reading each stanza. On page 53, write a poem or essay to a bully! Quiz on page 55 |
8 | Complete the 3 questions on pages 57-58 Read the poem with partner on page 59 Complete activity on page 60 Quiz page 61 |
Please Note:
The following Common Corp Curriculum Requirements are a part of the Bullies Be Gone Project training:
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
- Listening
o Group and class presentations, role-playing, and written assignments are required to assist in the reinforcement and sustainability of the training.
o Students’ written activities are to be completed within their Bullies Be Gone Project Student Workbook. Please provide additional paper should it be needed.
o The teacher’s active participation with students for each module is vital to the success of the 18-module training.
o The modules include quizzes at the end of modules 1-16, to help facilitate the reinforcement and retention of the material.