Module (10) (Continued)

Anti-Cyberspace Bullying Training –

Part 1

Weeks 19 and 20

Students write their interpretation of the theme of the above illustration and what could be a hidden message(s) as it applies to bullying.


Social networks on the internet are popular with kids, especially students.

Parents should put a block on anything their kids could come in contact with online that should not be heard or seen.

Kids, you may not like the block, but it’s being done because your parents want to protect you.

If you find a way around the block and get access to social networks, be responsible; avoid doing anything online your parents and Teachers have instructed you not to do.

You will be showing respect for your parents, Teachers, yourself, and tremendous restraint, strength, and wisdom, because you probably were tempted to.

For students especially, if you are allowed to go on social networks, heed your parents’ instructions.  There are always people online looking to take advantage of a kid or teen like you.

Do not hold conversations in “chat rooms” with anyone you initially meet online.  To do so is one of the most dangerous things you can do.

If anyone online offers to meet you in person, without any thought or hesitation; telling your parents or Teacher immediately is what you must do!

Many kids have been taken advantage of by people they’ve met online.

Always use social network caution skills when you are online.  If you do so, you will be a kid or teen that will successfully make it through your youthful years safe from harm, and more than likely, turn out absolutely, just fine.

    Al Johnson

Remind students: Select your favorite words or phrases in the poem. Copy them onto your “My Favorites” at the end of your workbook! Practice repeating them over and over again, so you are ready to confidently respond to a bully.

“SOCIAL NETWORK CAUTION” VOCABULARY:  Discuss the meanings of the following words/phrases, and how they are used in the stanzas of the poem for a clear understanding of the Theme/Main Idea of the poem.

  • Access
  • Responsible
  • Tremendous Restraint
  • Wisdom
  • Heed
  • Initially Meet
  • Duped
  • Anguish

Following the Vocabulary Lesson above, students are to

  • Write their interpretation of the main idea of the “Social Network Caution” poem.

  • Critically discuss (as a class) the Theme/Main Idea of the poem and how it applies to eliminating and preventing online bullying.

Reinforce with students:

As students read and study the poems, they should make believe they are talking directly to the bully with POWERFUL WORDS.

Look the bully in the eyes (even if it is a computer screen)

  • Believe in what you are saying
  • Speak with conviction, mental toughness, voice inflection, and confidence
  • All of these things are very important for effectiveness in Eliminating & Preventing Bullying.
  • Read together the second half of page 75 of the Student Work.  It starts off by saying “Here are some important instructions for you to know”, and is printed below.
  • As you read and study the poems, make believe you are talking directly to the bully with the POWERFUL WORDS that are in the poem.  Pretend that your computer or phone is the face of the online bully!
  • If you respond when you are bullied online, respond only by copying and pasting specific phrases or stanzas from the poem. MAKE THIS YOUR ONLY RESPONSE!  Otherwise, do not respond!
    • As you are doing this, your tablet, computer, laptop, etc. in your MIND should become the bully!
    • Believe in what you are saying, even though you are not being heard!  Your words are being READ! Speak them out loud, with conviction, mental toughness, voice inflection, and confidence.  This is very important for the effectiveness of eliminating and preventing bullying.

Using Words And Stanzas From The Poem When Responding To The Online Bully Must Be Unique, Surprising And Unexpected!  This will happen by using phrases, words, and stanzas from BBGP anti-cyberspace poetry.

  • Encourage students to copy certain specific phrases or stanzas, and then and paste them on or next to their device.  They can then use them as a response to the bully online.

  • In the mind of the student, their device should now become the “face” of the bully. 

  • Look The Bully (The Computer Screen!) In The Eye While Pasting, and While Replying!

  • Surprise and Confusion almost always deflate a bully’s intent, especially mentally!  Bullies don’t respond as intended when they become victims of the Element of Surprise.

  • Copying & Pasting Words Or Phrases Self-Empower The Person Being Bullied.

  • This also diminishes and deflates the bully’s negative intent, powerfully and uniquely.


Memorization of the following quote is a MUST!  PLEASE post it so students can easily see it!

First, Demonstrate How It Should Be Read, And Have Volunteers Do The Same.

  1. Ask the students to take a photo of “For the Rest of Your Life” for self-empowerment.

  1. Post the statement where students can easily see it

  1. Students are to recite this as a group daily, with conviction

  1. They are to memorize “For the Rest of Your Life”, one sentence at a time if necessary, and recite it before the class. 

  1. Be creative, i.e., half of the room loudly and with conviction recites one sentence, followed by the other half doing the same with the next sentence.

  1.  Have students get in teams and take turns saying it, with conviction.  When a student feels ready, he or she is to recite it from memory to the class.

  1. The ultimate goal is for them to recite this by memory with boldness and confidence, and to remember it For the Rest of Their Lives:

For The Rest Of My Life!

What Someone Says About Me Or To Me, No Matter How Hateful Or Nasty It Is, Should Not Determine How I Feel About Yourself…

The Way I Allow The Bully’s Negative Words To Affect Who I Really Am, Is What’s Critically Important…

No One Has The Power To Make Me Feel Bad, Defeated, Or Insignificant Unless I Give Them That Power…

For The Rest Of My Wonderful & Significant Life, I Am Not Going To Allow That To Happen, Ever!” 

By Al Johnson

There will be a final exam given after the completion of BBGP training.

REMINDER:  Modules 1-16 are followed by a short quiz (in the student workbooks) so students can demonstrate mastery of the lesson.  This is followed by a teacher evaluation, taking into consideration various aspects of what the students have learned from that module.  Please make special note of any particular accomplishments, improvements made, or areas in need of improvement, FOLLOWED BY YOUR SIGNATURE AND DATE.